To Qualify For A VA Loan, Do You Need To Occupy The Property Immediately?

As a benefit for those on active duty or serving overseas, military members can qualify for a VA loan if they have intentions to return home within one year as long as a Spouse or dependent children will also occupy the property in the meantime. Otherwise they must occupy within 60 days. 

By |2025-02-04T15:24:52-05:00October 12th, 2018|Joe Knows Mortgages Minute|Comments Off on To Qualify For A VA Loan, Do You Need To Occupy The Property Immediately?

What is the difference between mortgage insurance and homeowner insurance?

What Is The Difference Between Mortgage Insurance And Homeowner Insurance? Hello! This is Joe Harris with Morgan Financial and here is your “Joe Knows Mortgages MINUTE”. This week, we answer the question: What is the difference between mortgage insurance and homeowner insurance? This is a common mix-up, but they are in fact [...]

By |2025-02-03T16:28:42-05:00October 5th, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on What is the difference between mortgage insurance and homeowner insurance?

If You Have Debt, Can You Still Qualify for a Loan?

Hello! This is Joe Harris with Morgan Financial and here is your “Joe Knows Mortgages MINUTE”. This week, we answer the question: If you have debt, can you still qualify for a loan? Between car loans, student loans, and a few credit cards, it can be easy to feel like you may have too much debt to qualify for a mortgage. This is not necessarily true. The best way to figure out how much debt you can afford to carry is to calculate your debt-to-income ratio, or DTI. Calculating your DTI is simple. Simply add up your recurring monthly debt obligations such as a car payment, minimum credit card payments, student loan payment, and anything else that you are required to pay on a monthly basis that shows up on a credit report. Things like electric bill, water and phone do not count. Take your total and divide that by your gross monthly income, or your income before taxes. The resulting number is your DTI. Typically, lenders will want your debt to income ratios to be under 45%, however, there are some loan types that will go higher. A lender will take this number and factor in your potential mortgage payment. Thank you for tuning into this Joe Knows Mortgages MINUTE If you have any home loan related questions, we want to hear from you! SO please comment down below! Also, please feel free to like and share this information with your family and friends. See you again next Monday!

By |2025-02-03T16:07:30-05:00September 7th, 2018|Joe Knows Mortgages Minute|Comments Off on If You Have Debt, Can You Still Qualify for a Loan?

Does it take longer to get a VA loan compared to other loans?

Does it take longer to get a VA loan compared to other loans? With the right lender, a VA loan shouldn’t take much longer than any other loan. In fact, Morgan Financial is averaging under 10 days from signed application to clear-to-close on all loans, including VA loans.

By |2025-02-04T09:35:57-05:00August 31st, 2018|Joe Knows Mortgages Minute|Comments Off on Does it take longer to get a VA loan compared to other loans?

What is the difference between Conforming and Nonconforming loans?

What is the difference between Conforming and Nonconforming loan? When it comes to conforming vs non-conforming, we look to our good friends Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. A conforming loan means that the loan meets the specific criteria that allows Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to buy them. A non-conforming loan is one that doesn’t meet the criteria and isn’t allowed to be purchase by our friends Fannie and Freddie. These types of loans are sometimes referred to as portfolio loans.

By |2025-02-03T16:26:02-05:00August 24th, 2018|Joe Knows Mortgages Minute|Comments Off on What is the difference between Conforming and Nonconforming loans?

What is the difference between a fixed and adjustable rate?

What is the difference between a fixed and adjustable rate? When you have a fixed rate, this means that throughout the life span of your loan, your interest rate won’t change. If you were to choose to have an adjustable rate on a loan, your interest rate could change periodically, depending on what type of adjustable rate loan you choose. Thank you for tuning into this Joe Knows Mortgages MINUTE If you have any home loan related questions, we want to hear from you! SO please comment down below! Also, please feel free to like and share this information with your family and friends. See you again next Monday!

By |2025-02-04T09:32:04-05:00August 13th, 2018|Joe Knows Mortgages Minute|Comments Off on What is the difference between a fixed and adjustable rate?
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