What Are Points and When Do You Pay Them?
Points are fees that a borrower pays directly to their lender at their closing, in exchange for a lower interest rate. 1 point is 1% of the mortgage amount...
Points are fees that a borrower pays directly to their lender at their closing, in exchange for a lower interest rate. 1 point is 1% of the mortgage amount...
When is a good time to consider a Cash Out Refinance? When is a good time to consider a Cash Out Refinance? With current interest rates hovering around a 9-month low, home equity at an all-time high, and home values as high as they are, now is a great time consider a [...]
Resolutions You Should Keep This Year. Happy New Year everyone! We are a few weeks into 2019, and by now people are slowly giving up on their resolutions. A lot times, the new year’s resolutions we set for ourselves are not always the most obtainable goals. Honestly, we are kind our setting ourselves up [...]
T’was the week before Christmas and all through the house… was a mess? We totally understand. You are a busy human with a lot of things going on. This is especially true right before the holidays. There is nothing worse than having to rush to have your home ready to greet the masses. This [...]
Five reasons why NOW is actually the best time to buy. Hey there Brevard County: it is beginning to look a LOT like the holidays. Lights are being hung, carols are starting to be heard and homes are still on the market. This holiday season might be [...]
Wait, you mean everyone is coming home for the holidays? Did your Aunt Gale just called to tell you that not only is she coming to your home here in Brevard County for the holidays, but so is all of her children, plus your aunt Linda’s sister’s husband’s [...]
Can you refinance a VA Loan? Hello! This is Joe Harris with Morgan Financial and here is your “Joe Knows Mortgages MINUTE”. This week, we answer the question: Can you refinance a VA Loan? The Answer is yes. If you are a qualified Veteran you can choose to refinance your VA Loan. This often allows [...]
What is a Cash Out Refinance? A Cash out Refinance is when you replace your current mortgage with a new loan that allows you to pay off your current balance and uses the available equity in your home to give you additional funds for other purposes such as home improvement, debt consolidation or home repairs. This might also be a great option for those looking to lower their interest rate.
Hello! This is Joe Harris with Morgan Financial and here is your “Joe Knows Mortgages MINUTE”. This week, we answer the question: What is an Earnest money deposit? An earnest money deposit is also known as good faith money, or an escrow deposit. This is the amount that you put down as a deposit when a real estate offer is accepted. This money can typically be used towards your transaction at closing. If you do not close on your transaction, you may be entitled to a refund of your earnest money, as long as you meet the stipulations of the contract. In some instances the earnest money deposit may be forfeited if the timeframes and stipulations of withdrawal from the contract are not met. Thank you for tuning into this Joe Knows Mortgages MINUTE If you have any home loan related questions, we want to hear from you! SO please comment down below! Also, please feel free to like and share this information with your family and friends. See you again next Monday!
With approximately 70% of college graduates graduating with some type of significant student loan debt, this topic is certainly a hot one, and on many peoples mind. The reality is that student loan debt alone will not preclude someone from getting a loan.