Can an Eligible Veteran Have a Co-Borrower on a VA Loan?

Hello! This is Joe Harris with Morgan Financial and here is your “Joe Knows Mortgages MINUTE”.

This week, we answer the question:

Can an eligible veteran have a co-borrower on a VA Loan?

In some circumstances, there is a need for a co-borrower in order to qualify for a mortgage. This person will be equally liable for this loan.  Luckily, with a VA loan, you ARE allowed to have a co-borrow, however it is limited to another veteran or your spouse. So, if you are interested in having a co-borrower on a VA loan, make sure they fall under one of those two categories. Please give us a call with any questions on this or any home loan related topic.

Thank you for tuning into this Joe Knows Mortgages MINUTE

If you have any home loan related questions, we want to hear from you!

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Please like and share this information with anyone who you think may benefit and be sure to tune in to our next “Joe Knows Mortgages MINUTE” which we feature on Mondays.

Talk to you soon!